Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Best of 2015

   2015 was a good year for lots of people, and not so good for others. Either way I think that everyone defiantly has their best moments. 

   We have to choose 3 top three photos from the websites provided my Mr. Winter from important moments in 2015. These are my top three from the websites:

   I think this photo was my favorite out of all of the options I have to choose from. I think it's really appealing how most of the people are rushing and maybe in panic and there is that one person. She looks scared and confused. She is defiantly different from everyone which is the main reason why I love this photo so much. 

   For my second favorite I chose this one. Everyone is scared and and covered in red. The photo did not have a caption do I don't know what is going on but it must be something crazy if there are all in that state. They look as if they have been traumatized or abused.

   This was my third favorite from the selection. This time it's just one man all alone. You can't see anyone else. He looks sad and it honestly makes me feel sad for him. Who knows what he just went through right before this photo was

 Next we had to pick a favorite song that came out in 2015. I chose was LOST BOY by Troye Sivan. What I really liked about this was that it basically represented his life and what he was struggling with. It was really touching and inspired me. 

   My favorite movie that came out in 2015 was Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I was a huge fan of the Star Wars movies when I was really young and it made me so excited for the new movie to come out. Now I heard they are coming out with another one is 2017 and I am super excited!

 The most important person in my life is my grandpa. He died on November 15th. I don't remember which kind but he had cancer. He couldn't talk or move and couldn't remember anything. He was part of the army and fought in Vietnam and he was truly amazing.

   I did not do anything over the holiday but I did have a great time with my family on Christmas. My favorite moment was just hanging out with my family. I didn't really do much over he break. I can really think of any resolutions for 2016 but maybe eat healthier. And I am looking forward to traveling this year. Im actually doing a lot of traveling and I'm so excited. I get to travel with my cousins I only see once a year and they are so amazing and funny. 


  1. The images you picked are very powerful. I would like to have known the stories behind the pictures. I understand that there was no caption to explain the second photo, but what about the other two? You were also supposed to have images for all the other answers, so perhaps you could add these things today to improve your grade for the post.

    Most importantly, I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. I still remember vividly when my grandmother died and the mixture of sadness, happiness and relief that I felt. I still miss her even now, but she wasn't able to do the things she loved, so I always imagined that she was in a better place able to be who she was without physical limitations. I hope that's true for your grandpa, too.

    87 with the option to revise for additional points

  2. Thanks for adding the pictures. You are still missing a few entries though. Where are the answers for most important story, most important person and most important sports/entertainment person?


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