Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ATPI Top Program Portfolio -- Photojournalism/Documentary

ATPI Top Program Portfolio -- Photojournalism/Documentary

            I am actually really impressed with the portfolio and I think that the pictures choses were a great choice. The flow go’s well and the topic is really interesting. I really enjoy this also because I believe that women should be recognized more for appreciation and what we do. I’m not sure if it really tells a story but as I said earlier the theme and the idea is really outstanding and something everyone should be more appreciative of. Each image contributes to the image so well. Women saying what they believe, women standing for their right and there freedom, women showing off their problems and BEING PROUD AND HAPPY. They all work so well together and are pointing something out we all need to take into consideration. 

            The captions really help in this portfolio also. They are giving us a better understanding and they actually help to see what is really going on behind the image. You don’t really realize how the picture is in reality until you read a good caption matching to the picture itself. The pictures also are not just deep or there isn’t an amazing story behind all of this. Some of these pictures are in fact standing up and helping themselves or helping other women and I really like that about this.

            The thing that sticks with me also is that each and every picture within the portfolio has a female as the focal point. Its great because after you take a look at all of the photos you begin to realize what the whole this is trying to show you. I honestly don’t think I would have done anything different. I love the topic, I love photographs, the order of the photos is great and I love how the best story/topic was saved for the end. It really makes the whole feel of the portfolio great.

1 comment:

  1. Good review. A little repetitive in places. But I am pleased that you understood the attempted theme. I wish you had talked more specifically about a few of the images in terms of composition and content, but the review is well-developed otherwise. Nine days late. 93
