Monday, May 30, 2016

Read and Respond: What is Bokeh?


What is Bokeh?
      Bokeh is is a very popular picture appearance when you un-focus (or blur) a picture so it makes a series of circles. Mainly used in when taking pictures of multiple lights.

Why do photographers love it so much?
      Many people like it because of the aesthetic. Photographers also like to use it because they can experiment with lots of different types of lenses and see all the different effects they can do.

Five things photographers need to do in order to 
maximize bokeh in their images:       
      1. Choose a background lacking in specular highlights.
You don't want small highlights to sneak in the picture.
      2. F-stop matters somewhat less than is generally taught.
It helps with the blur in the background a lot and it a major key.
      3. Closeness to the subject matters a lot.
Being close to your subject helps blur the background into bokeh easier.
      4. Find your Bokeh source.
Christmas lights are the most popular and a great source of Bokeh.

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